A proven toolbox that equips churches to intentionally multiply Kingdom impact.
We do this by aligning your team, your board, and your people to a clear vision, unified language, key priorities, actionable plans, all pointed toward the accomplishment of Jesus’ Great Commission.
OneTeam. OneLife. OneBoard.
Churches often miss the mark with silver-bullet strategies that promise to multiply Kingdom impact.
More than 2,000 years later, it’s time to get back to the basics of reaching His people, His way!
What makes
ChurchOS different?
Growth doesn't happen with silver bullets or a one-size-fits-all strategy. We believe the key is to strengthen the six domains of every church for multiplied impact.
Clear vision creates healthy tension that results in insight and courageous decisions. But vision is best realized when it’s held loosely, taken seriously, and refreshed often.
Activation Disciplines
What makes a plan great is if it activates the Great Commission. Build a sound plan by establishing clear rhythms and routines that lead to great execution.
Consistent and strategic action is difficult in the Church where the short-term dominates planning. Our role is to set a clear plan of action, one that doesn’t start on Friday evening!
Churches need systems, processes, and infrastructure. There are no magical solutions that work for every ministry, but there are best practices to be learned and used.
Everything rises and falls on leadership. As leaders, we need to be unified about our mission, vision and plan that’s built around what’s most important to reach people.
Great Commission Strategy
Prioritizing making more and better disciples just as Jesus commanded is at the heart of the Church. Everything else flows from this center point, not vice versa.
Not sure how to move your church forward together?
Take the ChurchOS Assessment to understand where your church is today to know where it needs to go tomorrow.
The ChurchOS® Assessment gives you valuable insight to determine where your church is today and then we’ll help you choose your best next steps with ChurchOS based on your results.
Frequently asked questions.
ChurchOS is a comprehensive leadership system that’s rooted in biblical principles and is applicable to any church. It translates well in any context or denomination as a system that you can use for years to come.
We use team-based strategic conversations to change behaviors and lead to confident decisions. These decisions will unleash the Gospel potential of any church and help it reach the lost and grow more and better disciples.
Over the past decade, we’ve successfully installed ChurchOS in all types and sizes of churches – church plants, established churches, growing churches, and plateaued churches.
The beauty of our system is that it’s not a one-size-fits-all model. It’s adaptable so that this model can be molded for each unique church context.
The churches we’ve worked with have all seen significant impact from this leadership system. ChurchOS is also in use with 20+ different denominations around the world.
Like most church leaders, you’ve probably faced some of these challenges – the siloing of your staff into departments that don’t collaborate, an eldership or board who isn’t tracking with what you’re trying to do, or not being able to figure out why you’re stuck and not growing in number.
Your church is likely running an OS by default. You may be running the consensus OS where everybody has to be in agreement before you make a decision. You may be running the latest conference OS – the latest great idea for the year.
None of these work well in the long term. That’s why it’s important to run an OS by design, not by default.
ChurchOS was designed as a solution that any church can use to get back to the basics of church leadership and stay encouraged and clear about how to lead His church.
We’ve written a book about it, created digital resources for you, and even built an incredible team that can come and work with your church. ChurchOS will help you to confidently lead and multiply your Kingdom impact again and again.
ChurchOS may sound intimidating at first and we totally get that. It takes a little bit to learn but, in the end, it’s quite simple and easy to use. Just think of it as a system that runs like the OS on your phone.
Hundreds of churches have already used and tested our system to make it practically applicable to their unique contexts. In fact, you can read some success stories here. You can rest assured that we’ll be walking alongside you every step of the way to help you get there, too.
Yes, it does! ChurchOS will work if you work ChurchOS. Just engaging us does not guarantee results. You must be willing to commit to the process.
ChurchOS is an investment of time, energy, attention, and certainly money. So if you want to make it work, it’s important that your key players are really involved.
Take a look at some success stories of churches who are making ChurchOS work for them.
Getting started
You can start by contacting us to begin the in-person journey. We’ll take you through the ChurchOS process and answer all the questions you may have.
You can also prepare for the journey by learning more about ChurchOS. Check out our YouTube channel, podcast, and blog where we talk about the heart, philosophy, and principles behind ChurchOS and offer helpful insights and practical tips.
We’d love it if you could read the book first, but it’s not a prerequisite for starting ChurchOS. You’ll be self-implementing the leadership fundamentals explained in the book as you go through the ChurchOS process.
A complimentary copy of the Intentional Churches book will be sent to you when you sign up for ChurchOS.
We offer a comprehensive set of resources for the study and self-implementation of ChurchOS fundamentals in your local church. These resources have been created to simplify your journey while keeping it systematic.
Our ChurchOS resources include 20+ training videos, practical tools, 10+ downloadable templates, study guides for leaders and elders, a copy of the Intentional Churches book, and more.
If you’ve already had a ChurchOS installation experience, you’ll also find resources to reinforce, expand, and deepen your understanding and implementation.
We also offer ChurchOS Activator Resources that include the latest learnings and insights, training videos and content, tools and study guides, etc. However, these are only accessible to our growing ChurchOS Activator Community who have completed the Activator Training.
Yes, of course! You can get started by clicking here to download a bunch of free resources including a guide to evaluating team unity, a handy toolkit, and free chapters from the Intentional Churches book.
You can also check out the Intentional Churches YouTube channel and podcast where we talk about the heart, philosophy, and principles behind ChurchOS. Another free resource that you can access right away is our blog that has insightful articles with practical tips.
Yes, most of our coaches are senior leaders or have 22 years of experience on average, and have run in your shoes and understand the challenges of ministry.
As leaders who are already using ChurchOS in their churches, they’re just the people you can trust to guide your church through its journey.
The aim of ChurchOS is to get your church back to the basics – to fulfill the Great Commission and make more and better disciples. To help you get there, our coaches will walk you through every aspect of your church – leadership, discipleship systems, meetings, weekend services, serving, operations, etc.
Our coaching sessions will challenge and equip you and your team to plan strategically, have focused conversations, and take actionable steps to reach more people for Jesus.