Why We Love Spire!

Why We Love Spire!

Intentional Churches is heading to Orlando next month to participate in the Spire Conference, Oct 8 - 10.  Spire is a can’t-miss event, with innovators, speakers, teachers, authors, as well as huddle group leaders, mentors and resource providers. We’re excited to gather with ministry leaders of healthy growing churches from across the country and beyond to share in this three-day event. Spire Conference was previously the North American Christian Convention, the annual gathering of a tribe of churches called the Independent Christian Churches (ICC). Spire, however, represents far more than a name change! Spire is a dynamic new ministry platform designed to unify, equip and encourage ministry leaders around a movement of healthy growing churches. Spire represents the continuation of the NACC as it launches a new platform for ministry with a new vision, new leadership and new ideas for achieving an ancient gospel mission.There’s no other platform like it! We love Spire because its mission is aligned with our mission at Intentional Churches - Leaders that Grow, Teams that Grow, and Churches that Grow. The Spire platform is designed to facilitate 1) growing pastoral leaders, 2) developing effective teams and 3) innovating and sharing best practices to grow the churches pastors serve.Spire is an innovation.  The leaders are pioneers. They’re risk takers and entrepreneurs.  And they’re courageously addressing the unique challenges the Church faces today. The growing number of church attenders affiliated with non-denominational and independent churches creates an environment where ministry leaders can feel like they’re going it alone with no support. There is often no way for them to connect and collaborate, and there is a theological tension that exists in a movement that stresses both autonomy and unity.  We think Spire can provide relief for ministry leaders and solutions by answering these questions:

  • How does a movement maintain both autonomy and unity when there are no structural “places” or denominational hierarchy binding it together? 
  • How do ministry leaders connect and collaborate with one another without a way to facilitate?
  • How can a movement provide meaningful content in the absence of an official entity to provide it? 

Pastors can’t go it alone. They need a place, a safe community where they can find connection, content and collaboration. Spire has designed a community with all this and more:

  1. Connection - Spire’s hub will facilitate vibrant community formation & discussion, opening the door for relationships that are mutually supportive.
  2. Resources - Pastors will develop more effective ministry skills and a deepening and meaningful spiritual journey through content provided. 
  3. Collaboration - The Spire platform will facilitate collaborative engagement where pastors learn from one another in a safe setting. 
  4. Mentoring - Pastors looking for a coach or mentor can easily find one with life and ministry experience who can bring objectivity, experience and wisdom to a relational process.
  5. Human Resources - Churches looking for great staff can find them on Spire along with a private place to find HR related answers. 

Spire is kicking off this adaptive digital platform at the Spire Conference in Orlando next month and we’d love to see you there!  The capabilities of a digital network present a unique opportunity to strengthen the church and grow the Kingdom, and we can’t wait to see how the Church connects through Spire.  Click here to learn more about Spire.Network.


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