TrenchTalk: Options for 2015 Christmas Services

TrenchTalk: Options for 2015 Christmas Services

Options for 2015 Christmas ServicesAt this time of year many church leaders are thinking through Christmas service times and options. Some are interested in learning more about how other churches are handling the weekends and service programming surrounding the Christmas holiday. Each year the approach changes based on the dates and circumstances related to how Christmas falls during the week.Our team is in the trenches of church leadership dealing with this kind of issue along with many other things you likely face each and every day. So we took a simple poll and here is what we found out.


Service Content Alignment. Some churches will align the content and programming for Christmas Eve services with the weekend services surrounding the holiday. This year, most churches are NOT aligning service programming. 93% of churches are having Christmas Eve services with programming different from the surrounding weekend services.Services Times. There was a tremendous range of service times with some pockets of similarity. Below is a chart of services times and the percentage of churches choosing that service time as an option. We’ve highlighted some of the most popular services times. We hope you find this insight helpful in reaching more people this Christmas![table id=1 /]


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