The Great Commission Unleashed in Southeast Missouri

The Great Commission Unleashed in Southeast Missouri

There is no leeway when it comes to the mission of the local church. Jesus gave us that in Matthew 28:

19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.

This week in Southeast Missouri, six church teams gathered for Unleash, a one-day, interactive training experience for church leadership teams. We worked through and discussed many common components of the typical church and honestly evaluated each. After a day of intense critical thinking, each church team arrived at one major project to concentrate on over the next 6-9 months.

  • Twins River General Baptist Church is focusing energy on an Outreach Ministry, a ministry that will establish a vision to reach lost people in their community.
  • Agee Fellowship made the decision to launch Small Groups in addition to Sunday school. They believe in connecting more people to life-changing relationships and teaching people to follow after Jesus.
  • Cape Girardeau First General Baptist Church is casting vision to develop more intentional outreach programs.  As they empower individuals in their congregation, they believe lost people will come to know Christ through these efforts.
  • South Poplar Bluff General Baptist Church chose to light the fires of evangelism. They plan to train and equip congregants to pray for, invest in and invite the lost.
  • Southaven General Baptist Church is spending energy identifying their primary newcomer, ‘the one’ their church is poised to best reach. As they identify ‘the one’, they will design programming and worship experiences with that person in mind first.
  • Piggott First General Baptist Church is developing a first impressions strategy. This will allow them to provide a warm, welcoming path with accessible information towards next steps for people in their congregation.

Congratulations to these six church teams, each rooted in the Great Commission and helping provide clearer vision for accomplishing the mission Jesus gave us. The collective double Kingdom impact from these six churches is 1,630 lives for Christ, changing eternity forever!  Please join us in praying with them as they begin their journeys.


Kirby Andersen


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