Hero Makers - Exponential 2018

Hero Makers - Exponential 2018

I am headed to the Exponential Conference in Orlando, FL to learn, meet with friends, and talk about church leadership. This year’s theme is “Hero Maker” and it has me thinking about some of the Hero Makers in my life.Here are a few of my heroes, and how they are Hero Makers:Wally and Barbara Rendel. (aka Mom and Dad) They live a life of faithful commitment to Jesus and His church. They taught me to love the Lord and follow Him. Their example as church leaders led me to commit my gifts to serving His church. Their example and faithfulness was and is life changing. More about them here.Jim Burgen. My youth pastor in High School and the first to really ask me to lead - like never before. He could tell there was more of a leader in me than I believed, and his challenge was life changing.David Miller. The best man in my wedding. A friend through thick and thin. We all need someone (people) who will always pick up the phone and finish one another’s sentences. His friendship was and is life changing.Glen Schneiders. My first boss in ministry at Crossroads in Lexington, KY. A great, visionary senior pastor who wouldn’t let his young staff phone it in, ever!  His personal and direct challenge to me took courage and grew me greatly.Mike Bodine. My Senior Leader at Central Church in Vegas. He is one of the sharpest church leaders I know. His graciousness to invite me, who he barely knew, to ride shotgun  at Central for years meant so much. I learned a ton from him, but it was the “ask” and “invite,” the belief in me, that changed my life.Uncle Mark Rendel. My dad’s brother who ran Rendel Farm’s in northeast Oklahoma for years. Growing up, I worked for Mark each summer and there was no job he wouldn’t let me do or try. Never impatient, always teaching, kind, and smart. He gave me huge responsibilities, let me fail without criticism. and that changed me.I’ll never forget this list. It came up profoundly in my Intentional LIfePlan a few years back. And I see some common threads throughout. Courageous challenges. Big time belief in me. Bigger faith in God. Invitation into leadership. Giving big responsibility and expecting the best. Affirmation.They gave me a clear idea of what a Hero Maker looks like. And they make me want to be a Hero Maker too. Who are your heroes and how have they made heroes?


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