Mobilize the Ninety-nine to reach the One.
Intentional Churches offers a proven system to activate your leadership and your church to reach their Ones.
Some churches are misaligned and stuck.
Others are growing, but in danger of misalignment.
Wobbly Churches
These churches are unsure of their direction. They wander to and froe and hunt for direction from the latest fads and programs. The loudest voices or strongest leaders win, but only for a season.
Stalemate Churches
These churches are embroiled in senseless battles. Meetings descend into matters of opinion with no definitive conclusions. Often, Christians behave like consumers pulling the church towards their selfish needs. The status quo is really hard to break.
Retreating Churches
In these churches, motivations are waning and good intentions are drying up. The leaders and congregation have decided the best days are behind and the future isn’t worth the fight.
Rocking Churches
Some are young or brand new. Some have fresh wind in their sails. And others are just on the rocket ride. What do they have in common? All need radical alignment to the Great Commission to see sustained momentum and lasting victory.
We all know there are no silver bullet fixes, but there is a way to equip your church leadership and your people to align to the Great Commission and reach more people than ever.
It’s time to become an Intentional Church.
The Intentional Church is radically aligned to the Great Commission from top to bottom, inside and out. You have to want it. And if you’ve got it, you don’t want to lose it! You’re probably here because you want it! And you want to keep it once you get it.
Intentional Churches is powered by a growing community of nearly 800 churches.
Meet our Co-Founders,
Doug and Bart.
“Over the past 10+ years, with the help of our community of churches, we’ve developed a toolbox that will help you train, equip, and mobilize your leadership and congregation to accomplish the Great Commission. The Great Commission is a personal mission statement!”
Doug Parks & Bart Rendel
Co-founders, Intentional Churches
There is a solution.
Your church needs a proven solution to activate your leadership teams and your church to multiply your kingdom impact.
A proven toolbox for church leadership teams to intentionally multiply Kingdom impact by focusing on alignment to the Great Commission. Every decision, key priorities, and action plans are pointed toward making more and better disciples - the mission of Jesus!
Is your church going where it's called to go?
Assess where your church is today to plan your journey ahead.
A few of the nearly 800 churches who have used ChurchOS
“Many have a passion to see people come home to God, but few have an operating system that complements this passion.”
Judd Wilhite
Senior Pastor, Central Church
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