June 2024
Partner Update
Whether you are already committed to supporting IC financially or are considering the possibility of supporting us, thank you for taking a few minutes to review this quick update on the Intentional Churches and OneLife Project. To start, please take a look at the short video above.
Intentional Churches Conference 2024 Highlights
This past April we joined with nearly 450 church leaders from 89 churches in Orlando for the Intentional Churches Conference. Out of the conference we had 66 sales leads that were generated!
Please take a few minutes to watch some highlight clips from the One Aware panel session.
New Available Resources
The Intentional Churches Podcast - Earlier this year we launched The Intentional Churches Podcast with the goal to provide church leaders with thought-provoking and actionable conversations for you and your team. Please consider subscribing and sharing with your staff, board and key volunteers. Episodes are 30 minutes or under and make for some great team conversations.
The Radical Alignment eBook - Out of the conference, we provided attendees with a free ebook about how leaders can achieve radical alignment in their churches. You can download a copy for yourself here. This 15-minute read is designed to drive your team toward greater alignment. This resource can create some great conversations on your team this summer!
Please be praying for these pieces of the project in the next quarter:
Stamina and clarity as we produce a heavy amount of content and product
Hiring the right person to replace an exiting Leadership Team member
Bandwidth and priority for Partner Churches to pilot these new products
Churches to continue onboarding into Intentional Churches
Thank you for engaging with me and the Intentional Churches team. We have a real shot to transform the American Church by transforming the hearts of the believers in those churches.
Honored and humbled,
Doug Parks
Co-Founder & CEO, Intentional Churches