XP Mega Metro - Washington DC

XP Mega Metro - Washington DC

This week the Intentional Churches team is excited to be part of the 2018 XP Mega Metro in Washington DC. Southern Baptist Churches with over 3,000 in average attendance and over $5m in charitable giving are gathered here. There’s no more influential tribe of churches than the SBC. We are also enthusiastically exploring a partnership with NAMB, the North American evangelistic arm of this movement. The impact of this tribe is so inspiring and can’t be overestimated.Intentional Churches has had the privilege of installing the IC Leadership System in several of these churches. We have learned a lot from these leaders and are praying for more partnerships. The good news is, your church doesn’t have to be a mega church for you to experience double Kingdom impact. The IGP system works in any church, no matter the size, whether small, medium or mega. 


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