Kingdom Impact in LA

Kingdom Impact in LA

We recently kicked off the Intentional Growth Planning journey with two Churches of Christ in the Compton area of Los Angeles - Alondra Church of Christ and Metropolitan Church of Christ, part of a larger community of churches. This IGP install took place in a Cohort - where an IGP is installed in two churches at the same time.  It was a fruitful three days filled with emotion, self-discovery and breakthrough. We are still blown away by the deep and difficult work these two teams tackled, the courage to push for truth, and the conviction to prioritize those far from Jesus.Churches under 500 people in attendance make up the majority of churches in our country. Like these two Churches of Christ, many are the lifeblood of a community already well-positioned to reach others, connected through families, celebrations and tragedy. The IGP operating system can be the catalyst that propels a church toward double Kingdom impact.If you haven’t explored a Cohort, consider the benefits of installing an operating system in two churches at the same time:

  1. Cost reduction - Splitting the cost is always better.
  2. Collaboration - There is significant energy and synergy when you are working on a plan to grow alongside another team.
  3. Transparency - When you’re among peers, truth is on the table faster.
  4. Competition -  A healthy and fun competition can emerge - who’s moving farther fastest.
  5. Learning - It’s helpful to see how other churches process.
  6. Coaching - Follow-up coaching occurs in cohort as well as with individual teams.

We learned a lot during this Cohort. But identifying the One was the most critical. In these two predominantly African American churches, the process of identifying their One was a breakthrough moment. Through self-discovery, one of the churches identified an unexpected One - core municipal workers commuting 2-3 hours a day into their community. It can be both shocking and hopeful to learn that the surrounding community has completely changed over time. Their hope and excitement was rekindled and their calling to look outside their circle to reach the lost was renewed.  Action teams were formed around each church’s VIP - in this case, reaching their One.Why is the One so important?Scripture is filled with examples of prioritizing the lost, or those who are outside. Jesus shared three stories to communicate our best example of this in Luke 15, the lost chapter. The woman loses the coin and turns her home upside down to find it. The shepherd loses one of 100 sheep and leaves the 99 behind to go find it. The lost son finds his way back home and is welcomed by his father.Jesus prioritized the One. Design your church’s strategies with the ONE in mind, and you’ll pull others in with them. Design the service around a 33 year old dad, for example, and you’ll reach grandparents, their friends, old single friends, co-workers, etc. The target pulls inward.Each of these churches is unique, but Jesus calls both to carry out the Great Commission. Please celebrate these two churches with us, Metropolitan Church of Christ & Alondra Church of Christ, as they chase after the lost and grow their Kingdom impact.


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