It’s All for the One

It’s All for the One

When a church joins the Intentional Churches movement, we begin by installing our Intentional Growth Planning system. As part of that system, we ask the church, “Who is your One?” From there, the church discerns and identifies their unique One. In Luke 15, Jesus shares three parables that point to the lost and prioritize the One:  the lost coin, the lost sheep, and the lost son. When talking about the lost sheep, Jesus says, “Won’t he leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go search for the one that is lost until he finds it?”  What a mandate for us as a church! Like the father running to his lost son, God wants to use us to reach and welcome those far from Him.What if the church was united around reaching the One, pursuing the lost in our sphere of influence?One of our favorite and most effective partners in this pursuit is a church appropriately named One*, with two locations in the Spokane, WA area. Collaborating with Generis, One Spokane has just kicked off the ONE FUND, designed to help people have a life-changing encounter with God that relates to generosity, putting Him first, and prioritizing Him with their finances. One* uses their ’s attention, energy, and finances to point to the One.Check out this video, For the One, from Lead Pastor Will McCain as he connects vision to the One, unites the church around the One, and celebrates the One(s) already found.  


Interview with Kirby Andersen, Pastor and IC Coach


3 Insights & 10 Words from Faith Community Lutheran - Las Vegas, NV