Huddles: Strategic Help for Your Biggest Challenge

Huddles: Strategic Help for Your Biggest Challenge

We are excited to be commissioned by the North American Christian Convention to pioneer a new way to do workshops.  This year, we believe we have envisioned a next-level learning and mentoring experience that is innovative and effective.  We call them Huddles. Think about it, what is your greatest leadership challenge?  As church leaders, we all face them: How do I develop future leaders? How do I manage change? How do I create a culture of discipleship, of generosity, of outreach? How do I grow my congregation and reach people for Christ? Come be part of an NACC Huddle this summer and leave with a plan to attack your greatest challenge!  Spend an afternoon “huddled up” with experts, coaches, and mentors sharing your challenges and learning from others. Each Huddle focuses on a specific ministry topic taught by an expert, blended with guided table discussions throughout, ultimately leading each participant to an action plan. This is not a traditional workshop! Huddles are next-level learning and mentoring experiences around the topic of your choice. With 14 Huddle topics to choose from, each Huddle is hosted in a separate room and led by an Expert Teacher. You’ll interact around a table of 8 leaders, learn from experts and experienced mentors, and get to know one another in a lasting and meaningful way. You’ll glean how-to, practical and personal help while building an action plan that you take home and execute. And you’ll build connections and relationships that last way beyond the NACC. Whether you’re leading a church of 100, 800 or 2000+, or a small ministry area within your church, Huddles will help you with your greatest leadership challenge. Check out the NACC Huddle topics below and plan to be here!  You have the opportunity to attend two different Huddles on two different topics, Wed and/or Thur afternoons, June 27 and 28, 2p-5p, but space is limited so don’t be late. See you there!’s the full list:

Developing Leaders Growing churches must grow new leaders. Your ability to put a leadership structure in place will determine the size and longevity of your church’s impact. Learn how you can identify, develop, and retain leaders at all levels and in every ministry area. Dave & Sue Ferguson
Church Change Growth requires hard work, strategy, planning . . . and the resolve to change. Change can be painful in a church, and the challenges can seem overwhelming. But as a leader who desires to see your church reach its full Gospel potential, you can (and you must!) help people process change and move forward. But how should you approach change? Wade in slowly or jump in? How much is too much? Come hear from a change-maker, Pastor Matt Merold, as he shares practical ways to navigate change. Matt Merold
Healthy Eldership Elders are critically important in the local church, but how does their role change as the church grows? How have other strong leaders navigated this journey with their own elders? Come learn from experienced Elder, Leader and Expert, Doug Howe of Compass Christian Church. Hear how thriving churches are defining elder and staff roles and develop next steps for your own governance challenges. Doug Howe
Effective Outreach We all share in the Great Commission to reach the world with the good news of Jesus.  But how can we become more effective in the way we connect with and communicate that good news in our communities? Expert Teacher and Pastor, Tyler McKenzie, will guide you through an effective approach to outreach that mobilized Northeast Church in Louisville without compromising evangelism and discipleship. And go home with your own customized plan for outreach. Tyler McKenzie
Preaching Today How do we preach the gospel in such rapidly-changing times? What does it mean to communicate effectively to multiple generations in the church, and how can we grow as preachers and teachers? From sermon prep to big-picture philosophy, learn from great preachers and share your own best practices. Jeff Walling with Special Guest, Bob Russell
Making Disciples Our job isn’t done when someone takes the plunge into baptism – in fact, the work of the church is just beginning. Every Christian is called to grow and to help others grow. Come join Mike Mack, and together learn successful ways to make disciples who make more disciples. Mike Mack
Leading Me A church is only as healthy as its leaders. As the leader it is critical that you build routines, practices, and habits into your life that protect you from burnout, lead to growth, and create longevity in ministry. Join seasoned church leaders, Todd & Rene Clark, as they help you discover proven ways you can become a healthier, more effective leader. Todd & Rene Clark
Generous Church We all know churches need money to operate, but we also know that stewardship involves all of life, and generosity extends to more than money. In this Huddle, discover best practices in creating a culture of generosity that not only grow your giving base, but help your people grow spiritually. Dave Dummitt
Breaking 200 Often quoted, it’s true that the vast majority of churches never get beyond 200 people in average attendance.  But it doesn’t have to be that way. Learn how you can break through this critical threshold for growing and thriving as a church. Join proven Expert and Pastor, Jim Powell, as he leads you to move toward your redemptive potential. And go home with a plan to crush this milestone and prepare your church for greater impact on the other side. Jim Powell
Breaking 800 Every stage in church attendance requires new strategy. Moving past 800 in attendance is a key step in the life of a growing church. Come hear from Expert and Senior Pastor Darrel Land and discover what good leadership requires at this level. This Huddle will help you create a plan to develop leaders, grow your org chart wisely, and handle administrative needs as you break this barrier. Darrel Land
Succession Planning As Boomers retire, we’re seeing one of the greatest transfers of leadership the church has experienced. Maybe you’re a leader considering your own transition. Or maybe you’re a younger leader moving into an established ministry. How can you structure a leadership succession that honors God and moves your ministry forward? Join George & Nate Ross, two pastors in the midst of the transition and discover the best structure for your healthy succession. Nate & George Ross
Multi-Site Strategies Multi-site has become the number one expansion strategy for churches of all sizes, but it can seem overwhelming if you’re just beginning to wrestle with this approach. If you are considering multi-site, come learn from architect, Jake Barker, who has led a successful multi-site movement for one of the fastest growing churches in the country. Learn transferable multi-site principles, explore the options available to you and determine the best strategies for expanding your own church through multi-site. And best of all, you’ll leave with an action plan to do it! Jake Barker
Next Generation Impact Family Ministry can amount to as much as 1/3 of a church's total attendance, yet in many churches is viewed as 'just another department.' It's more than that! A healthy Family Ministry greatly impacts eternity, affects the whole church, and therefore requires leading up with a clear vision. How do we reach and develop kids, students and families? Come learn from Matt Reagan of Southeast Church, the best practices for impacting the next generation. Matt Reagan
Intentional Growth What does it take to accomplish Christ’s Great Commission in your church? Come learn from Mission Ventura's Jim Sheldon, an experienced leader who is intentional about reaching the lost and making better disciples of Christ. No two churches are alike, but there are simple principles any church can apply today. Jim Sheldon



Salt Changes Everything


Mark Brewer