4 Small Changes to Engage the Lost

4 Small Changes to Engage the Lost

People are lost and in need of a savior. And the power that exists in the gospel of Jesus Christ is the matchless power that reconciles them to God. Sharing the gospel with the lost is still the local church’s mission. But how well are we doing?  It only takes one visit to a church for someone to know whether they’ll return next week. And if we’re not being intentional about engaging them, they probably won’t come back. Likewise, with social media and online reviews, people search and make instant decisions about a church based on what they see, read and hear.  It’s All About the OneWhen Lead Pastor Tyler Feller from M1 Church began using the Intentional Churches platform, he realized his church was missing opportunities to engage those far from God. “When I viewed our church through the eyes of a newcomer or a visitor on social media, I realized we had a tendency to behave as insiders. Our primary focus was around the 99 rather than Jesus’ example of the one lost sheep in Luke 15. We used a lot of insider language, and we hadn’t considered that some of the things we were doing in the weekend service might be confusing or unwelcoming to newcomers.”  Tyler began to rally his church to go after the one, to communicate to the one, to see themselves through the eyes of the lost.“If people don’t engage because we have poorly communicated who we are, then we’ve completely missed the opportunity to share Jesus with them. To invite them into experiences and activities that allow Him to work in their lives is to fulfill the Great Commission.” In this short video from Intentional Churches, Tyler Feller shares four small changes that are making a significant difference in how his church engages the lost.


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