4 Questions Every Team Should Be Asking

4 Questions Every Team Should Be Asking

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What will you get in this video?

  • Background and vision for Intentional Churches
  • A very practical tool that any church can use to gain useful perspective
  • A downloadable tool you can use immediately
  • An example of the tool at a church we have worked with
  • Useful insights about real challenges you may be facing

Intentional Insights:

  • This tool is similar to SWOT but with a bent towards evaluation.
  • Things that are right, we want to amplify. Opportunities whisper at us and problems shout.
  • Things that are wrong, we want to fix. Inward-looking functions are not likely to be primary newcomer sensitive.
  • Things that are missing, we want to add. Do you have capacity in seats, parking, and kids space?
  • Things that are confused, we want to clarify. If it is confused, you will feel it.

What Now?

  • How can you put this tool to use to evaluate your weekend experience?
  • Can you use this tool to help build up staff during 1 on 1's?
  • What things are 'right' in your ministry? How can you amplify these?
  • What things are 'wrong' in your ministry? What can you do to fix this?
  • What things are 'missing' in your ministry? How can you add these?
  • What things are 'confused' in your ministry? How can you bring clarity?

Four Helpful Lists from Intentional Churches on Vimeo

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Video: Mission Church


Video: Interview with Dave Stone